Flow Focused

Flow Focused

Business Agility with Agile and Kanban

Tag: Facebook

  • Facebook is Like a Chair… That Confuses and Surprises

    Facebook is like a chair… that confuses, defrauds, misleads, spams and surprises users. Facebook as a company doesn’t do these things, but they happen on the Facebook platform through the apps third party developers create for it. Take a look at the ways that Facebook is having to control the permissions that third party applications…

  • Splitting the Social Network for the Best User Experience

    It may be impossible for user experience on a social network to ever become the core focus as long as advertising plays a part in their business. There’s little chance of advertising ever stopping on Facebook or Twitter because they depend on them for revenue. An alternative to removing advertising might be to split how…

  • A Better Facebook Won’t Help You

    Nobody Goes to Facebook Anymore. It’s Too Crowded. « Uncrunched So, no, most of us aren’t going to spend the time removing friends on Facebook. Instead many of us are using new social networks, like Path (we’re an investor) and the upcoming Just.Me (we’re also investors, guess how much we like this space) to start fresh.…

  • Facebook’s users executed a bloodless coup, perpetrated in a matter of days by rebels with little understanding of the law they were nevertheless determined to overthrow. The Laws Of Disruption (p.22) on the 2009 Facebook terms of service scandal

  • But to everyone else I would recommend focusing more on the product and less about the openness of the platform. Open is certainly a selling point in the enterprise market, but it is not in the consumer market. How the Open Community Can Beat Facebook «  hueniverse Been saying this for years. Speaking of which,…

  • Why Do You Fan Companies on Facebook?

    Why do you Fan companies, brands, or products on Facebook? Or, as a friend of mine recently put it: “Why the fuck would you ever want to fan a company on Facebook?” The funny thing is I have become a fan of many products and companies on Facebook, but I’m not even sure why half…