Flow Focused

Flow Focused

Business Agility with Agile and Kanban

Tag: Pomodoro

  • Pomodoro Everything

    Continuing on the idea of finding focus, and repeating it ruthlessly. This is something I’m practicing in an attempt to just figure out just how bad I am at focusing, and trying to fix it. In case you don’t know what it is, the Pomodoro Technique is a productivity system where you give yourself a…

  • Repeated Focus

    There’s something about this productivity angle, something about it’s effectiveness and about how unappealing the idea is itself that makes me think this is the most important productivity topic that’s never been talked about. People who know the GTD method also know that one of the most difficult parts of the system is the weekly…

  • Pomodoro Timer – Navel Labs The Pomodoro Timer is the best looking and simplest pomodoro application on the iphone. Seriously, this app is beautiful and helps you follow the pomodoro technique while you focus on your work in a very simple, and usable way. Well worth the money.

  • Pomodoro Timer by Navel Labs

    Pomodoro Timer – Navel Labs The Pomodoro Timer is the best looking and simplest pomodoro application on the iphone. Seriously, this app is beautiful and helps you follow the pomodoro technique while you focus on your work in a very simple, and usable way. Well worth the money.